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    • 01/23/2025
    • 12/31/2025
    • Virtual

    Invitational Letter

    Internationally Educated Nurses’ Experiences of Seeking Career Advancement towards Academia in the U.S.: A Phenomenological Study

    Dear Internationally Educated Nurse:

    You are being invited to participate in a research study on Internationally Educated Nurses’ (IENs’) experiences of seeking career advancement towards academia in the U.S. A better understanding of IENs’ experiences transitioning into academia can potentially address the need to teach a diverse nursing workforce, while facing the shortage of diverse nursing faculty. 

    This study involves a virtual interview with a nursing PhD candidate from Adelphi University, Tesi Thomas. This interview process will be completed in approximately 45-60 minutes. The interview focuses on sharing of your experiences seeking career advancement to become a full-time nursing faculty in the U.S. However, the focus of the study is not on individual responses, but on the aggregate responses from all who participate. There is a brief demographic form seeking information on your age, gender, country of origin, education level, and years of experience. 

    Your participation in this study is voluntary. There are no risks involved in participating. You may withdraw from this study at any time without any consequences. No identifiable information will be collected from you. Your sharing of experiences can provide insights into future preparation of IENs transitioning into academic roles. Your participation can help academic settings to plan and develop strategies to promote faculty diversity in nursing education.  

    At the conclusion of the interview, you will receive a $20 Amazon gift card as a token of appreciation for your participation. 

    If you would like to participate, please utilize the contact information below to arrange a time for a Zoom interview at your convenience. 

    Tesi Thomas, MSN, RN


    Telephone: 5168165297

    “This research has been reviewed and approved by the Adelphi University Institutional Review Board.  If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please contact the IRB chair, Dr. Carolyn Springer, 516-877-4753;”

    • 03/29/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Kiddie Keep Well Camp 35 Roosevelt Dr. Edison, NJ 08837


    This Activity aims to foster a positive environment and engagement of new and existing members of the PNANJ chapter.


    1. The participants can create a personal and career road map.

    2. The participants will be able to establish rapport and trust through activity engagement and team collaboration.

    3. The participants will be able to familiarize themselves with PNANJ's history, vision, mission, previous achievements, and current culture and services.

    4. The participants will commit to their career goals and the organization.

    Please join us in this transformative one day conference “Road to Excellence: A PNANJ Primer” is a dynamic one-day conference focused on empowering nurses through insights on navigating a multigenerational workforce and fostering personal and professional growth. Attendees will gain strategies to bridge generational gaps, enhance collaboration, and cultivate self-development to excel in their nursing careers.

    • 05/10/2025
    • 20 Diamond Hill Rd. Marlboro, NJ 07746

    • 05/18/2025
    • Duke Island Park Bridgewater, NJ

    • 07/16/2025
    • 07/20/2025
    • 1114 Washington Blvd, Detroit, MI 48226

The PNANJ is premiere professional nursing organization for Filipino-American nurses in New Jersey. Our Mission is to uphold the image and foster the welfare of Filipino-American nurses in the State of New Jersey through innovative leadership, community engagement while upholding our core values of excellence, caring, commitment, service and inclusiveness.

Our events activities aim to: (a) Promote unity among Filipino-American nurses in the State of New Jersey. (b) Develop, implement, and evaluate programs in nursing practice, education, research, and leadership programs relevant to the professional growth of its members and the healthcare needs of the community. (c) Provide and coordinate educational programs designed to assist members in acquiring and expanding knowledge, professional excellence, and nursing practice. (d) Promote the advancement of professional nursing through scholarship and research awards. (e) Facilitate professional and cultural adjustments of Filipino-American nurses in the US through collaboration with agencies and organizations in the US and the Philippines. (f) Organize and actively participate in community health programs relating to the prevention of diseases and health promotion and maintenance in New Jersey. (g) Network with professional organizations and agencies to advocate for programs that further the cause of nursing practice, education and research. (h) Review and act on legislation and public policies which directly and indirectly affect nursing.


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