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  • What does summer mean to you?

    Words from some of our PNANJ Subchapter Members

  • “Summer means enjoying the weather, summer means enjoying the 4th of July and all the fireworks, and summer means enjoying picnics, cookouts, extended daylight hours, and every minute of the next 90 days! My memories are of listening to the waves crashing on the shore."

    - CJ (Atlantic/Cape May/Gloucester)

  • “Summer for me entails outdoor barbecue with friends and family as well as family vacations. Summer means spending time outdoors, eating, unwinding, singing karaoke until after midnight, and basking in the sun's warmth. During this time, I want to explore new places and adventures and create great memories."

    - Gem I. (BergenPassaic)

  • “The season of summer invites us to dance with abandon of festivities, celebrate the present with our loved ones, and dream of endless possibilities for adventures."

    - Mark P. (Essex)

  • “Summer to me is a blend of adventure, relaxation and growth. It's a time when routines shift, allowing for spontaneity and new experience."

    - Regina O. (Hudson)

  • “Summer means spending more time outside than in - walking, exploring, inviting family and friends for barbecue and entertainment, relaxation, and some of the best memories the year can bring."

    - Malou T. (Middlesex)

  • “Summer means more time with my family, especially my grandchildren. They’re still at young ages where they’re experiencing new things and new places. I love that part of summer."

    - Chat C. (Monmouth)

  • “Summer is a season of sun, sand, seas, swimsuit, suntan, surf, sunrise, sunset, seashores, swaying leaves in a softly whispering breeze,skies of blue, sizzling barbecues & sounds of childrens laughter & fun and finally sight of full moon skies at night that ushers in a sound & restful sleep. Summer in the USA has always been an echo of our everyday life in the Philippines. ♥️"

    - Gigi D. (Monmouth)

  • “Summer, to me, means a season of vibrant energy and renewal. It's perfect for outdoor activities and planting. Summer, to me, brings a sense of freedom and relaxation, with opportunities for travel and family gatherings. It also includes cleaning and decluttering my house. Ultimately, my summer is focused on being with my son and husband, making memories together."

    - Jessica B. (Ocean)

  • "Summer means I can get my hands dirty and garden again. My favorite memories are taking photos and videos of my flowering plants and vegetables and harvesting them. This is one on my favorite things to do aside from PNANJ"

    - Liezl T. (Somerset)